Caleb村 〜I work for myself http://www.scotland2000.com/order-aripiprazole.pdf hoist cheaper alternative to abilify employed lower Only two choices for Republicans? Give Obama what HE wants or shut the government down? SHUT IT DOWN! Don’t tell me it is all or nothing. Harry Reid wants the affordable health care act funded even though congress has exempt themselves. This sucks and Reid and the rest know it that is why they don’t want it for themselves. I say shut down the government and DO NOT fund this health care monster that will rob the piggy bank that only contains an IOU as it is. Don’t listen to them folks this is a disaster. Most people who don’t have health insurance right now can’t afford anything more period. To force everyone to be a part of something is an American tragedy. Not funding it is the only way to stop what a majority of Americans don’t want. President Obama is not listening because he truly believes that he knows better than all of us. 〜[24141番地]