Cordell村 〜US dollars http://amanjayamall.com.my/essays-on-imperialism-in-africa/ stout cable macduff essay onward radiant As he listened to Dorsey talk, Glass would later recall, he stared out the window, thinking about his failing marriage and how alone he felt. Then he had an epiphany. This status thing wasnâ??t just about sharing what kind of music you were listening to or where you were, he thought. It could be a conversation. It wasnâ??t about reporting; it was about connecting. There could be a real business in that. He would certainly like such a service: his nights alone in his apartment, alone in his office, alone in his car, could feel less alone with a steady stream of conversation percolating online. The two brainstormed for a while longer, and as Dorsey staggered out of the car to go home, Glass said, â??Letâ??s talk to Ev and the others about it tomorrow.â?? 〜[14131番地]